One of the dynamic new features of the updated CSI website is the CSI learning library, offering content and continuing education options—available 24-7-365—to help you maintain all your CSI credentials, stay current on upcoming events, and explore an ever-growing collection of educational archives.
The library makes it especially easy for you to learn at your time, and your place of need.
“The learning library is a 24-7 resource for busy construction professionals,” said CSI chief learning officer Tracy Petrillo. “More than 1000 people have already logged in to take advantage of this resource, and more content is on the way, so check back often.”
Here are three reasons why you should take this new CSI resource for a test drive right now:
- to familiarize yourself with the all the free content, including on-demand educational sessions, town hall archives, and monthly meetings of the Specifying Practice Community;
- to earn the learning units you need to stay current on your CSI credentials, from wherever you are, and whenever it is most convenient for you; and
- finally, according to Petrillo, because the more you utilize the learning library, “the better we can continue to make it for you.”
Log in to the learning library at this URL: