Photo courtesy CSI
The nominations were collected, and the final list is here! Congratulations to the 2020 CSI Honors & Awards recipients, who will be recognized at the virtual Honors & Awards ceremony taking place later this fall.
Distinguished Service Award
Awarded for notable and significant contributions at the chapter, region, or institute level that has furthered the mission of CSI, its standing in the industry, or its image to the public.
- Larry Nordin, CSI, CCS, CDT, AIA
Robert P. Brosseau Award for the Advancement of CSI
Awarded to CSI members who have been recognized by peers as leaders focused on education and the training and mentoring of students and emerging professionals.
- Michael G. Young, FCSI, CCCA;
- Susan Bliss, CSI, CCS, CDT,CCCA; and
- Jon Lattin, CSI, CDT, CCPR.
Communications Award
Presented to a chapter, region, or organization which has implemented a comprehensive communications program, inclusive of multiple types of communications programs.
- the Memphis Chapter of CSI;
- Grand Rapids Chapter;
- CSINext Chapter;
- CSI Chicago Chapter; and
- Robert J. Bailey, CSI, CCS, AIA.
Innovation in Construction Award
Presented to an individual or team who, in the opinion of their peers, innovatively developed or discovered new uses for materials, methods, technology, or project delivery systems.
- CSI Chicago Chapter’s Remote Learning Library; and
- Conspectus, Inc.
Organizational Certificate of Appreciation
Presented to a firm, organization, or association who, in the opinion of their peers, has provided one of the following: Exceptional accomplishments that bring CSI to the forefront of the construction industry in their respective arenas; or promotes one of tenants of CSI; or working with the local chapter, region, or institute to assist with their operations that provide a value-added service.
- the Reference Library.
Outstanding Contribution Award
Presented to a CSI member, chapter, region, or group that has made commendable contributions that furthers the influence of CSI in the local construction industry; or that increases the visibility of CSI in the local construction industry; or that provides a value-added service to the chapter, region, or institute.
- Cory Robbins, CSI; and
- Daniel Hargreaves, FCSI, CDT, AIA.
Fellows of the institute are chosen by their peers. Nominees must maintain membership for not less than five years and have notably contributed to the advancement of construction technology, the improvement of construction specifications, education, or by service to the institute.
- Alan Mitchell Horne Sr., CSI, CDT, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB, USGBC;
- Elias S. Saltz, CSI, CCS, CDT;
- Lee Ann M. Slattery, CSI, CDT, CCPR;
- Robin E. Snyder, Esq, CSI, CCS; and
- William Sundquist, CSI.
Thank you to the 2020 Awards Committee for their hard work: Chair Jack Morgan, FCSI, CCS, CDT, CCCA, AIA; Alan Itzkowitz, FCSI, CCS, CDT, CCCA, AIA; Erica Kennedy, CSI-EP, CDT, AIA; Cherise Lakeside, FCSI, CDT; and Jeremy Olsen, CSI, CCS, CDT, CCCA, AIA.