Group calls for papers on electrostatic discharge

Blue Electricity Storm against a black background.
The 38th Annual Symposium on EOD and ESD Effects is searching for authors to submit abstracts for technical papers focusing on electrostatic discharge (ESD), electrical overstress (EOS), and static electricity. Photo © Wallace

The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Association is requesting abstracts for technical papers covering the effects of ESD, electrical overstress (EOS), and static electricity.

The papers will be presented at the 38th Annual Symposium on EOS and ESD Effects from September 8 to 16 next year in Anaheim, California. The event focuses on how to use the knowledge of understanding EOS and ESD issues to solve problems in consumer, industrial, and automotive applications. (To read The Construction Specifier, “Specifying Static-free Floors” from our September 2011 issue, click here.)

Technical papers should include data and analysis that advances state-of-the-art knowledge, enhances or reviews general knowledge, or addresses new topics. The Technical Program Committee encourages authors to focus on relevant new areas and fields.

At the symposium, attendees will select the winner for “Outstanding Paper,” which will also be considered for presentation at the ESD Forum in Germany, and the Technical Program Committee will select “Best Paper,” which will be considered for presentation at the RCJ EOS/ESD Symposium in Japan.

Abstracts must be 50 words and include a maximum of four pages on summary of work. The deadline is February 26, 2016.

For more information, click here.

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