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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has released the “Phased Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines,” which places construction workers in the ‘Other Essential Workers’ category. This means construction workers will likely get the vaccine in Phase 3 of the rollout program, after ‘Frontline Essential Workers.’
Phase 3 includes “workers in industries and occupations important to the functioning of society and at increased risk of exposure not included in Phase 1 or 2.” According to the CDC document, construction workers fall under the 1C vaccination phase along with workers in transportation and logistics, food service, finance, IT and communication, energy, media, legal, public safety (engineers), and water and wastewater.
“The third phase could start from February to late spring if the vaccination program goes smoothly,” Engineering News-Record reports.
“The guidelines, built on federal classifications for essential workers created earlier in the pandemic, are believed to cover all types of construction workers, regardless of project or trade,” Brian Turmail, a spokesman for the Associated General Contractors (AGC), said to Engineering News-Record.
When is phase 3? My husband is a construction worker and works in the schools, and Buffalo Airport and is still not able to get his vaccine? They should be allowed now as they work in schools, grocery stores etc.
Tara I wish I had answer but just wanted to say I’m with you. My husband is a sheet metal worker in construction and works currently on buildings for a local University. We read about the phase 1c thing which is great but the info we’re seeing on hospital and county websites doesn’t include them!