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The American Institute of Architects (AIA) strongly opposes a proposal from the International Code Council (ICC) that they believe would limit public input and transparency from the code development process and jeopardize implementation of codes necessary for climate action.
“Stakeholder input across a broad spectrum of organizations, government agencies, as well as the architecture, engineering, and construction industry is essential to the development of codes that ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public,” said Robert Ivy, FAIA, CEO of AIA. “This input is even more critical to ensuring codes are in place that advance climate action to the fullest extent, especially as we race against the clock to save our planet. This proposal jeopardizes climate action and the integrity of the ICC as an organization.”
Specifically, the ICC board of directors is considering removing residential and commercial energy efficiency code development from the public review process currently in place for all codes, which would eliminate the input of hundreds of organizations and government agencies, the AIA said in a press release.
Under the proposal, development of commercial and residential codes would be created by a new committee comprised of a select few. The ICC’s proposal has the potential to provide decision making authority to select special interest groups—such as the National Association of Home Builders and American Gas Association—that could oppose energy efficiency improvements and further slow the development of codes that are desperately needed to make strides in climate action.
On January 6, AIA provided public input to the ICC opposing their proposal. Additionally, the AIA will provide testimony at the ICC’s hearing on January 18.