CSI: The gift that keeps giving

The CSI community pages and blogs are your go-to resources to connect with other construction industry professionals, stay up to date on current events, and even share some interesting information about yourself.

In a holiday post, community members were asked, “It is the holiday season, and presents will be exchanged. What do you think is the perfect gift for an AECO industry professional?”

Bryan Varner, FCSI, CCCA, CDT, LEED AP, replied the gift that keeps giving year-round is a CSI membership.

“CSI is a gift to all of us in many ways,” Varner wrote. “The multi-dimensional learning; the diverse array of technical contacts; and the career-long-and-beyond friendships. Inviting someone to a member meeting and technical program, seminar, trade show, or a certification exam study program, or sharing a Specifier article are all generous ways to freely share the gift of CSI. A high mark of good leadership is how well and often one shares the gift of CSI with others.”

View the entire thread, including replies to Varner’s statement, at www.csiresources.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=85&MessageKey=60c5a63f-3fd3-4928-af7a-354f8a987383&CommunityKey=80c3b4dd-0d3f-4d4e-90f2-3bc6e4135dc2&tab=digestviewer&ReturnUrl=%2fbrowse%2fallrecentposts.

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