Beyond Green award winners to be honored at NIBS conference

NEW YORK USA - Sep 27 2015: 70th session of UN General Assembly. United Nations Building in New York is the headquarters of the United Nations organization.
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) will celebrate the United Nations headquarters and two other winners of the 2015 Beyond Green High-Performance Building and Community Awards at its fourth annual conference and expo on Jan.14, 2016. Photo ©

The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) will recognize the winners of the 2015 Beyond Green High-Performance Building and Community Awards on Jan. 14, at a luncheon during Building Innovation 2016, its fourth annual conference and expo.

The awards recognize buildings, initiatives, and innovations best exemplifying the eight design objectives of high-performance building:

  • sustainability;
  • accessibility;
  • aesthetics;
  • cost-effectiveness;
  • functionality;
  • productivity;
  • historical sensitivity; and
  • safety and security.

The United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York City won the Honor Award in Category ‘A’ High-performance Building for its sustainable renovation project, while the Award of Merit in Category ‘A’ High-performance Building will go to the Center for Sustainable Landscapes at Phipps Conservative and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Finally, the Award of Merit in Category ‘C’ High-performance Initiatives will go to the Efficient Homes Initiative of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance and its utility partners.

Register for the luncheon and learn more here.

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