Window and patio door shipments show small growth in 2015

WDMA 2016 Window and Patio Door U.S. Market Study is based on extensive industry input for product shipments in 2015. It was prepared by Metrostudy, a Hanley Wood company.
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The Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA) has released its window and patio door market study, providing data and insights needed to understand the industry’s performance, key trends, and future direction.

This finding delivers timely information on residential and light commercial patio door, window market trends, and product relationships; it includes historic data for 2013 and 2014, with forecasts based on projections of construction activity as of May.

Vision area of commercial windows increased nine percent to 9.9 million m2 (106.6 million sf) last year. In the near-term forecast, growth nationally is expected to strengthen in 2016 by 14 percent, followed by a 17 percent increase in 2017. The forecast for 2018 calls for positive growth, but at a slightly slower rate of 13 percent.

Residential window shipments increased 0.2 percent last year with 57.4 million units shipped across the nation. Looking forward, national growth is expected to increase through 2017 to 4.8 percent before trailing off to 1.9 percent in 2018.

In 2015, shipments of sliding patio doors grew by eight percent over 2014 on the national level. Annual growth is forecast to moderate to 0.5 percent in this year, 0.4 percent in 2017, and then experience a decrease of 2.2 percent in 2018.

Hinged patio door shipments saw a rather flat annual growth rate of 0.9 percent in 2015. The forecast calls for steady declines through 2018, with annual decreases expected across the board in every division. Nationally, annual decreases of nine percent are expected in both 2016 and 2017, and an 11 percent decrease is expected in 2018.

The WDMA 2016 Window and Patio Door U.S. Market Study is available to purchase online.

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