By Mike Smalley
Modern commercial design is witnessing a shift, driven by innovative building envelopes that deliver on aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. The Forsyth Pointe project featured here is a testament to this evolution, showcasing how architecture is not only changing the city’s skyline but also reshaping its identity. Continue reading to learn about the challenges faced during its development, the successes achieved, and the broader implications for commercial design.
The vast plains of the Midwest have always borne witness to transformation—from the progression of the frontier days to the urban revivals of this century. Nowhere is this metamorphosis more apparent than the prominent business district of Clayton, Mo., an area fast becoming known for the architectural prowess of its changing skyline.
In the realm of commercial real estate, modern office developments such as Forsyth Pointe in Clayton are raising the bar. As reported in the St. Louis Business Journal, the project represents a notable “flight to quality” trend which has taken full effect among tenants. Beyond a mere affinity for new facilities, there is a marked demand for buildings that exude high-end amenities and architectural features. Increasingly, today’s tenants prioritize office space that echoes their brand’s ethos—spaces where quality, innovation, and sustainability are not just buzzwords but tangible facets.
Look no further for an example of this trend than Emerson Electric’s decision to relocate its company headquarters to Forsyth Pointe, which is already nearing capacity after opening earlier this year.
Featuring a 0.4-ha (1-acre) garden terrace with putting greens, a fire pit, to custom-designed benches, and a fitness center, the $250 million Forsyth Pointe complex embodies a contemporary design. While the interiors of such buildings speak volumes about what their occupants value, it is their exteriors—particularly the envelopes—that often make the most immediate and lasting impressions.