Project Frog Delivers Groundbreaking Solutions for School Construction

Spacious, High Quality, LEED Certifiable Solutions Deliver Vibrant Hubs for Learning, Quickly and at Lower Cost Than Traditional Construction

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Following the successful passage of Proposition 51, Project Frog announced today ground breaking construction solutions that will enable school districts to overcome the daunting task of providing new facilities within tight schedules and budgets. Districts have long struggled with slow approval cycles at government agencies, rising construction costs and aggressive deadlines — and with this new funding, these challenges will only grow. Project Frog solves that problem with its proven and innovative component building solutions, providing spacious, high-quality learning environments, with all the aesthetics of traditional construction, but at significantly less cost and a faster time to market.


As part of this initiative, Project Frog today announced the immediate availability of a new Pre-Check (PC) Application #01-115597, covering 2, 3, and 4 classroom building typologies within the Project Frog building platform. Each PC design is pre-approved by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) to dramatically reduce approval cycles and shorten bin time (wait times for approval) by up to 50%, with over-the-counter review. In addition, Project Frog is finalizing a new 2-story, 12-classroom PC expected Q1 2017.

While the passage of Prop 51 earlier this month bolsters efforts to address the multi-billion dollar backlog of school construction projects, a statewide boom in construction across nearly all sectors of the economy is putting qualified contractors at a premium,” said Drew Buechley, president and CEO of Project Frog. “By streamlining approval cycles and utilizing our state-of-the-art technology platform to allow project teams to quickly configure prefabricated buildings, Project Frog is completely changing the way we address school facility needs. This provides our kids the kind of learning environments that ensure their good health, well-being, and gives them an equal chance for a high-quality education, no matter where they land on the socio-economic spectrum.”


Project Frog’s component buildings are significantly different from the modular structures of yesterday. For decades, to protect against budget and schedule overruns, districts relied on prefabricated building providers, many of whom offer streamlined procurement mechanisms. Modular manufacturers use DSA pre-check to accelerate permitting, reduce bin time, and provide districts with a level of assurance in the project schedule. However, that streamlined permitting comes at the expense of building quality and many of the modulars using DSA pre-check result in boxy, cramped environments. These “old” modular solutions fail to meet the standards for the environmental qualities correlated with better student outcomes, and don’t meet the district’s desire for a modern and coherent campus identity.

Fortunately for districts needing to protect against cost and schedule overruns without settling for less, there is a solution. Project Frog’s prefabricated structures integrate the company’s high quality building components and materials, streamlined project service model, and cloud-based configuration software to give project teams unlimited design flexibility while accelerating the schedule. Project Frog’s solutions reduce traditional construction schedules by up to 50 percent, while delivering greener, smarter buildings and reducing the total cost of ownership for the lifetime of the building.


Launched in 2007, Project Frog has a simple, but formidable mission: replace 90,000 portable classroom units in CA school districts with healthy, energy efficient classroom buildings that help students and teachers reach their full potential. To date, the company has delivered over 400,000 square feet of new and permanent classroom space, transforming public, charter, and private school campuses throughout the state into vibrant hubs for learning and community in the 21st Century. Frog’s component building platforms allow school districts to move from temporary portable units to permanent school facilities through projects that are fast, affordable, and configured to fit the wide variety of programmatic needs throughout CA and the nation.


Impact Communications
Allison Niday, 408-828-4463
Kelly Karr, 408-718-9350