Cementing the status of the year’s top concrete pavement projects

The U.S. 36 express lanes from Federal Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive—owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Region One, and completed by contractor Castle Rock Construction Company and engineers HDR and Cesare—earned Gold in the urban divided highway category of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards. Photo courtesy ACPA
The U.S. 36 express lanes from Federal Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive—owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Region One, and completed by contractor Castle Rock Construction Company and engineers HDR and Cesare—earned Gold in the urban divided highway category of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards.
Photo courtesy ACPA

The winners of the American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA’s) 27th Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards were announced at an annual meeting in Austin, Texas last month. This year’s awards focus on U.S. and Canadian projects completed in 2016.

These awards recognize contractors, engineers, and project owners who completed projects displaying high-quality workmanship in this field. Winners are determined via a points system, based on factors such as construction quality, response to unusual challenges, general innovation, and traffic management. A total of 27 awards were granted to 18 contractors this year.

By category, Gold Award winners include:

  • reconstruction of runway 10/28 at Waukesha County, Wisconsin’s Airport (Zignego Company, Mead & Hunt, Waukesha County Airport, and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics) for reliever and general aviation airports;
  • new South Airfield Runway 10R-28L at O’Hare International Airport (Acura, O’Hare Runway Designers, and O’Hare Modernization Program) in Chicago for commercial service and military airports;
  • Cedar Lane (Duit Construction Company, Cardinal Engineering, and Oklahoma Department of Transportation) in Norman, Oklahoma, for municipal streets and intersections less than 25,084 m2 (30,000 sy);
  • roundabout projects on County Highway CE and Eisenhower Drive, as well as on Eisenhower Drive and Van Roy Road (Vinton Construction Company, OMNNI Associates, Gremmer & Associates, and Outagamie County, Town of Buchanan) in Wisconsin for municipal streets and intersections greater than 25,084 m2;
  • Weld County Parkway U.S. 34 to WCR 60 ½ (Interstate Highway Construction, Atkins North America, and Weld County Department of Public Works) in Colorado for county roads;
  • State Highway 3 (Duit Construction Company, Inc. and Oklahoma Department of Transportation) in Asher, Oklahoma, for state roads;
  • Iowa D59 Wall Lake (Cedar Valley Corporation, and Sac County, Iowa) for street and road overlays;
  • PennDOT SR 50 Millers Run (Golden Triangle Construction, Mackin Engineering Company, and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation [PennDOT]) in South Fayette Township, Pennsylvania, for highway overlays;
  • Iowa I-280 (Cedar Valley Corp., LLC, Mark F. Brandl, PE, and Iowa Department of Transportation) for rural divided highways in Scott County;
  • U.S. 36 express lanes from Federal Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive (Castle Rock Construction Company, HDR, Cesare, and Colorado Department of Transportation, Region One) in Colorado’s Boulder, Adams, Weld, and Broomfield Counties for urban divided highways; and
  • Ryan Road (State Trunk Highway 100) (Zignego Company, CH2M Hill, and Wisconsin Department of Transportation) for urban arterials and collectors.

In the industrial paving, industrial roller-compacted concrete (RCC), special application RCC, and concrete pavement restoration (CPR) categories, only Silver Awards were granted. A full list of winners can be found here.

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