CSI has crossed a new threshold by naming Timothy (T.J.) Gottwalt, AHC, CDC, FDAI, CSI, CCPR, CM-BIM, its first Fellow in the door and hardware industry. An active CSI member for 26 years, Gottwalt is joining the ranks of fewer than 450 members to be named Fellows in the organization’s 69-year history.
“Active involvement in CSI is the number-one factor for my success in door and hardware specifications,” said Gottwalt. “CSI has provided me with opportunities for networking, professional development, certification, education, and knowledge of construction documents. These are all key to product representation and specification writing success.”
To be named a CSI Fellow, nominees must have maintained membership in good standing for at least five years and have made significant contributions to CSI or construction technology, specifications, or education. Gottwalt’s Fellowship is in part thanks to his lengthy experience in the door industry, spanning more than 40 years in hardware specification and distribution and architectural sales and development.
He now serves on CSI’s certification committee and is chair of its Product Representation Practice Guide Task Team. Currently, Gottwalt lives with his wife in Trinity, North Carolina, and is an active member of the Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham Chapters as well as the Southeast Region. He will be recognized along with the year’s other new Fellows at an awards ceremony in Providence, Rhode Island, as part of CONSTRUCT 2017 & the CSI Annual Convention in September. Others in the ‘Class of ’17’ include:
- Edmund Buch, CSI, CCS;
- Brandilyn Fry, CSI, CDT;
- Frank Fuller, CSI;
- Thad Goodman, CSI, CDT;
- Marvin Kemp, CSI, CDT;
- Billy Mathis, CSI, CDT;
- J.W. Mollohan, CSI, CCPR;
- Daryl Robinson, RA, CSI, CCS; and
- Anne Marie Roeper, CSI, CCPR.
To learn more about Fellowship, click here.
My sincere congratulations to all the Fellows of the class of 2017. It is a stellar group. My special appreciation to TJ. He has been deserving of this honor for way too long. So glad to have attended his investure. A word to the class of 2017… This is not an ending, but a beginning of service to CSI. To whom much is given, much is expected. Congratulations!