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Earlier this month, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) expanded its mission statement to reflect the organization’s dedication to promoting the global adoption of its standards.
The amended mission reads: “ACI develops, disseminates, and advances the adoption of consensus-based knowledge on concrete and its uses.”
“The change to ACI’s mission reflects a transformational change to taking an active role in advancing the adoption of its concrete knowledge,” says Ronald G. Burg, the group’s executive vice president. “While our member experts will continue to use our consensus-based process to develop standards based on new research, global best practices, and innovative technologies, we are building a new infrastructure that will increase global adoption of this state-of-the art information.”
Reflective of this commitment, ACI recently partnered with the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization in Saudi Arabia to develop a Gulf Building Code based on ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. ACI 318 and other documents have also been translated for use in Vietnam.
To read more about the mission expansion, click here.