Recognizing exceptional concrete design

In addition to an award for best government/public building, the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami, Florida, received the Harry H. Edwards Industry Advancement Award.
Photo © Miami in Focus

Last week, the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) announced the winners of its 55th annual design awards program. The organization recognized 21 projects with awards of excellence out of more than 100 submissions from producers, engineers, and architects across the country.

“Our annual awards program is meant to challenge our industry to continue to push the envelope and to innovate in the design and production of precast concrete systems,” says PCI president Bob Risser. “The variety and quality of the projects our precast concrete producers and their partners in the engineering and architectural communities submitted for consideration this year demonstrate how versatile precast concrete systems are for creating sustainable, cost-effective, and beautiful projects.”

Philadelphia’s Study at University City received a building award for best hotel/motel building.
Photo © Halkin Mason Photography

Submissions are considered in a variety of categories, including transportation, buildings, and special projects. They are evaluated by a panel of industry experts, including precast concrete producers, engineers, and architects.

The buildings and transportation categories are judged on criteria such as:

  • aesthetic, structural, and use versatility;
  • site, energy and operational efficiency, and risk reduction; and
  • resiliency (i.e. structure durability and multi-hazard protection).

In the special projects category, the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami, Florida, received the Harry H. Edwards Industry Advancement Award, which recognizes projects utilizing fresh concepts with the potential of moving the industry forward. The museum also received a design award in the buildings category.

Keauhou Lane in Honolulu, Hawaii, was also honored in the special projects category, taking home the Sustainable Design Award, while Alaska’s Port of Juneau Cruise Ship Terminal Concrete Pontoons and California’s Roseville City Hall Annex were co-winners of the special project All-Precast Concrete Solutions Award.

The recipients of the building awards are as follows:

To view a full list of winning projects, click here.

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