Duplex stainless steel explored in downloadable e-book

Photo © Fred Kaplan

The Construction Specifier’s series of free e-books continues with an investigation of one of the distinct alloys in the stainless steel family. An article in our newest downloadable, sponsored e-book explores the potential application of duplex stainless steel, illustrating the material’s application by way of case studies from around the world.

First introduced in 1930, the alloys in the duplex stainless steel family combine a wide range of corrosion resistance with significantly higher strength levels than both common carbon steels and austenitics. This can allow designers to reduce structural section sizes, which can dramatically change design, or use a more corrosion-resistant stainless steel without a significant raw material cost differential. Cutting-edge lightweight pedestrian bridges have been the most common duplex stainless steel application to date, but they are also being employed for glass curtain wall supports, sunscreens, railings, concrete reinforcement, sculpture, and other structural applications.

“Duplex stainless steel revolutionizes structural design” and three additional articles from the pages of The Construction Specifier can be found in “Exploring Steel Structures”—a free, downloadable resource. To get your copy in either pdf or digital edition, visit https://www.constructionspecifier.com/ebook/new-millennium-exploring-steel-structures-e-book.

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