Experts to discuss pressure sensitive tape in construction

The track is designed specifically to address how PSA tapes are used from a building and construction applications standpoint.
Photo courtesy Pressure Sensitive Tape Council

The Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC) is adding a new Building and Construction Market and Applications conference track at its annual Tape Summit, taking place May 15-16, in Baltimore.

The goal for this specific track is to help building and construction professionals, including adhesives and sealants specialists, to better understand the variety of pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape solutions offering greater compatibility with building materials of all kinds.

The track will address the challenges of using PSA tape and how to overcome them, recent innovations that make tape use desirable, and solutions found through the use of PSA tape.

Three speakers are confirmed to address the attendees. The first, Dan Braker, president of Brakethrough Research and lead researcher for the Phase II research report, will dive deeper into details of the growing use of PSA tape in a range of building and construction applications. The second, Peter Yost, BuildingGreen, Inc.’s vice-president, will work through the what, how and why of the benchtop/field-testing he has conducted on a variety of construction PSA tapes. The third, Steve Easley, owner of Steve Easley & Associates, will focus on the increasing quality of construction, sustainability, performance and reducing costly mistakes that lead to construction defects and call backs.

If interested in submitting a proposal for the Tape Summit’s Building and Construction track, contact PSTC executive vice president, Michelle Miller, at or (847) 686-2306.

Registration for the 2019 Tape Summit opens in November. For more details, visit or contact


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