CSI’s young professional series

DSCN4135MFochs_HeadshotINSIDE CSI
Kaitlin Solomon & Matthew Fochs, CSI
CSI has created a new series to build knowledge and improve project delivery by offering workforce development for young professionals. The Young Professionals Series (YPS) is a year-long campaign dedicated to bringing basic knowledge of the project team to architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) professionals just starting their careers.

Being young professionals ourselves, we recognize the importance of leadership development, transferable skillsets, and general career information. With this in mind, the YPS campaign was created to support the next generation of leaders as they become change agents within their firms, and within the industry.

The program’s core lies in having young professionals examine their role in the built environment through the monthly “Understanding the Project Team” series. In these project management team webinars, participants are exposed to aspects of the project delivery cycle—the team members, their responsibilities, and how they effectively communicate to get a job done on time and on budget.

These webinars define the roles of the project team, from the owner and the architect to the contractor, product rep, and facility manager, wrapping up with a final session, “Understanding the Process,” this summer.

Each month, we moderate a panel of industry speakers representing a specific viewpoint of the overall project team. They explain how their role fits into the larger picture of the built environment, the importance of communication, and advice for those just starting their career. Reaching outside the typical assortment of CSI speakers, we’re collaborating with other organizations in order to provide a wide-range of perspectives for participants. Panelists have come from groups like Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Associated General Contractors (AGC).

To improve communication, there has to be
a basic understanding of how the modern project team works together. By inviting discussion on team interaction, we hope to create a foundation for successful workforce collaboration.

However, YPS is more than just monthly panel discussions—it is an empowerment series designed to provide professional development in leadership and business skills. The program invites outreach and engagement through various communication channels, including a website (yps.csinet.org), CSI’s Young Professionals LinkedIn Group, Twitter hashtag (#CSIYPS), and a monthly e-bulletin with campaign content. Aside from providing information, these channels are focused on creating a collaborative environment in which young professionals feel empowered to start discussions, share information, and reach out to their peers.

This ever-changing industry has created a unique set of challenges for the next generation. CSI identifies young professionals as a voice that needs to be acknowledged and, more importantly, heard. This comprehensive curriculum is designed to provide insight about their chosen profession, and gain feedback as to where the industry is going. With this series, CSI is providing an audience-driven campaign to educate, engage, and connect young professionals throughout the industry.

We’d love to have your participation and support. Attend these monthly webinars and catch up on past sessions at www.youtube.com/CSIconstruction. Participate in LinkedIn discussions or share articles on Twitter. Become a contributor to our resource library
of supplemental documents pertaining to career development. If you aren’t a young professional, spread the word to your office interns or recent graduates. If you are a young professional, we invite you to join us, and develop the knowledge base for a continuous career.

Kaitlin Solomon is CSI’s marketing and membership manager. She focuses on enhancing the member experience by improving communication and fostering member engagement at the national level. Solomon also helps manage CSI’s social media channels, where she is involved with specific campaigns to ensure a consistent brand experience on the web. She can be found at www.twitter.com/kaitlinsolomon3 or www.linkedin.com/in/ktsolomon.

Matthew Fochs, CSI, is CSI’s manager of community development. He works to directly support volunteer chapter and region leaders, and also oversees the daily management of all five of CSI’s Practice Groups. Over the past few years, he has spoken on a wide range of topics from communication strategies to engaging young professionals. He is online at www.twitter.com/MFochsCSI or www.linkedin.com/in/mrfochs.

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