A rare look behind the scenes at Delaware Innovation Space

by sadia_badhon | February 1, 2021 2:49 pm

In this new CSI Behind the Build video, Marvin Kemp, FCSI, CDT, a principal at Design Collective, and Mark Dorsey, FASAE, CAE, take a virtual tour of the nonprofit entrepreneurial incubator Delaware Innovation Space[1], in Wilmington, Delaware.

CSI sat down with Tim Mueller, PhD, vice-president of facilities and operations at Delaware Innovation Space, to discuss the impact this space will have on the success of its tenants, and for the future of our planet. Photo via Delaware Innovation Space Twitter[2]
CSI sat down with Tim Mueller, PhD, vice-president of facilities and operations at Delaware Innovation Space, to discuss the impact this space will have on the success of its tenants, and for the future of our planet.
Photo via Delaware Innovation Space Twitter

Delaware Innovation Space seeks to “help stimulate scientific entrepreneurship, tackle next-generation problems, enhance Delaware’s presence as a leader in science and technology, and foster scientific growth, economic development, and job creation.”

CSI sat down with Tim Mueller[3], PhD, vice-president of facilities and operations, Delaware Innovation Space, to discuss the impact this space will have on the success of its tenants, and for the future of our planet.

“Many people may not get the chance to see what others contribute to a comprehensive build project, or the final result for that matter,” CSI said. “CSI’s new and noteworthy “Behind the Build” series takes a look at the impact, workforce development, and innovation that happens behind the scenes.

Do you have a project you think is worthy of a “Behind the Build” story? CSI would love to hear about it, along with some insight on your specific project’s history, and how it benefits the community. Click here[4] to send your suggestions.

  1. Delaware Innovation Space: https://deinnovates.org/
  2. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Opener-2.jpg
  3. Tim Mueller: https://www.csiresources.org/blogs/peter-kray/2021/01/25/behind-the-build-delaware-innovation-space-creates
  4. here: mailto:marketing@csinet.org?subject=Behind%20the%20Build

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/a-rare-look-behind-the-scenes-at-delaware-innovation-space/