AAMA updates structural glazing guidelines

by Samantha Ashenhurst | July 30, 2018 1:40 pm

Structural Silicone Glazing (SSG) Design Guidelines (AAMA SSGDG-1-17) combines information contained in two documents previously published by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association. <br>Photo courtesy AAMA[1]
Structural Silicone Glazing (SSG) Design Guidelines (AAMA SSGDG-1-17) combines information contained in two documents previously published by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association.
Photo courtesy AAMA

The American Architectural Manufacturers Association[2] (AAMA) released a new document describing proper guidelines and glazing procedures for structural glazing. The document, Structural Silicone Glazing (SSG) Design Guidelines (AAMA SSGDG-1-17), combines two previous publications, Two-sided Structural Glazing Guidelines for Aluminum Framed Skylights (AAMA TSGG-04) and Structural Sealant Glazing Systems (AAMA CW-13-85) into a single guiding document regarding structural glazing for both vertical and sloped applications.

“Combining two documents that discussed structural glazing made learning about the process simpler for those seeking that information,” said Kelly Broker, chair of the AAMA structural sealant design guidelines task group. “We feel this makes the knowledge formerly contained in both more accessible.”

The new document can be purchased here[3].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/resize_AAMA_SSGDG-1-PR-commercial-skylight.jpg
  2. American Architectural Manufacturers Association: https://aamanet.org/
  3. here: https://pubstore.aamanet.org/pubstore/ProductResults.asp?cat=0&src=SSGDG

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/aama-updates-structural-glazing-guidelines/