Cherise Schacter, CSI, CDT
In 2012, I attended my first three-day CSI Academies in San Diego. For me, it has become an architectural/engineering/construction (AEC) education event not to be missed. My fourth trip comes April 16 to 18, when I head out to San Francisco. This year, however, things are different—I have joined the Academies Planning Team. I will not only be helping to put this banner event together, but will also be teaching and presenting.
I became involved because this is one of the best places I have found to get a customized variety of real-world education that I can use the minute I return to my office. The variety of the education affords me the opportunity to attend year after year without ever attending the same class twice.
That first San Diego trip was a great experience. While the CSI Annual Convention at CONSTRUCT is cram-packed with education, events, a trade show, and fun on a grand scale, the Academies offers a more intimate environment focused almost solely on education. In San Diego, I came alone as a brand-new member of CSI. While I had been a member of the AEC community for years, a busy family prevented me from getting involved in industry organizations in any meaningful way. Approaching empty-nest status, I finally had the time to join CSI and reinvigorate my career. At the time, the Academies looked like a good place to start—it turned out to be a very wise choice.
The first thing that sold me was the people. I was surrounded by dedicated professionals looking to learn and having a wealth of knowledge to share. CSI is the only industry organization welcoming all disciplines on the project team as equal members. The result is a collaborative environment where information is shared from all points of view, which is priceless when it comes to learning and doing the best job you can without tunnel vision. Additionally, CSI members are some of the warmest and most welcoming people I have ever met. I now count many of them as my friends as well as colleagues.
The CSI Academies offers four specific tracks for learning (Specifying, Contract Administration, and two Product Representative streams), along with panel presentations and a keynote speaker. One thing I find valuable is you are never confined to one track when you register. This is critical for many of us whose work transcends one particular role. For example, my job establishing standards for a large engineering firm often crosses lines. The ability to choose classes based on my educational needs without being restricted to one track is very important.
The course instructors are top-notch leaders in the industry with unparalleled collective experience and knowledge. Due to the Academies’ more intimate and focused environment, one has plenty of opportunities both in and outside class to share knowledge with these instructors and other professionals at the event.
There is typically a welcome reception on the first night and another networking event on the second. Many attendees team up after these events for dinner and more conversation and knowledge-sharing. I have learned as much during these ‘unofficial’ events as I have in the classes; I have also connected with professionals who have become my trusted advisors well after the Academies have ended.
Of course, there are the classes themselves. With so many pertinent topics, choosing the ‘best’ one is the hardest decision. I have attended approximately 30 classes in addition to the panel presentations and keynotes over the course of my three Academies. Every single one was valuable and informative, helping me do my job better. I couldn’t possibly list them all here, but some of my favorites have included:
- “BIM [building information modeling]) and Specs;”
- “Division 01;”
- “Risk versus Reward;”
- “Documenting Design Intent;”
- “Product Selection;”
- “Basis-of-Design;”
- “Social Media ROI;”
- “Contract Modifications;” and
- “How to Submit the Ultimate Substitution Request.”
It would be impossible to attend this event and not come away with practical, actual solutions you can use immediately in your work.
I cannot wait for CSI Academies in San Francisco this year. A beautiful city, an excellent educational opportunity, and incredible professionals with which to collaborate, learn, and make friends.
I wouldn’t miss it, and neither should you.
Cherise Schacter, CSI, CDT, is the standards coordinator for Interface Engineering. She has 30 years of experience working in construction, architecture, and engineering. Known as the #CSIKraken on Twitter (@cheriseschacter), Schacter is the president of the Portland Chapter (Oregon), the chair of the CSI Certification Prep Committee, and a member of the CSI Academies Planning Team. She can be reached via
I would whole-heartedly echo Cherise’s comments. I have attended the past four CSI Academies, the last three times bringing with me one of the younger professionals from our office. The educational sessions are unlike any others I have experienced. The instructors are exceptional and approachable, and I returned to my office after each Academies with a laundry list of real, practical, ideas that I could immediately implement in my work. Unfortunately, I’ve had to make a choice this year and won’t be able to attend. You can be sure I will be thinking of the event when the dates come, but hope to catch up with old friends and make new ones at Construct in the fall!