Aesthetics, stability go hand-in-hand with continuous exterior insulation systems

There is also a lower operational carbon footprint generated over the lifetime of the structure. Engineered building enclosure systems with ci exterior produce a building which requires less energy for heating and cooling than uninsulated brick, stucco, or metal panels. Further, cladding systems with exterior insulation also use less energy over the full lifecycle of the building. This is driven by two key factors; ci exterior delivers a higher total R-value, and it proves to be far more efficient than cavity wall insulation.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, develops testing, measurement, and reference materials needed to ensure the quality of energy-related products and services. In “Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use,” a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), well-known leaders investigated the impact of envelope air tightness on energy consumption in a typical commercial building. The study found using an air barrier can achieve energy cost savings of up to 36 percent.2

In addition, heavier cladding systems create more solid waste, both in production and at the end of their lifecycle.

Offering greater efficiency, less complexity, more reliability

With engineered building enclosure systems, the value proposition on the construction site is also clear and unmistakable. Crews install one single building enclosure behind the facade and there are no issues with transitions between insulation and materials. The single barrier system is put in place
by one installer, simplifying the production schedule and eliminating complications of using a collection of components. Using one installer for all components can also translate to fewer errors and faster delivery of the finished product.

Engineered building enclosure systems integrate ci, an air and moisture barrier, a drainage plane, and a variety of textured finish options to create sustainable, high-performance wall cladding. The system improves indoor comfort and air quality while maintaining curb appeal and lowering lifecycle costs.

Additionally, the system approach reduces the complexity when it comes to compliance. Contractors and builders can rely on testing the system rather than performing viability tests on individual components. This more readily ensures the safety of the building and its occupants, assuring all stakeholders in the value chain. From National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 285, Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, to hurricane and wind impact tests, the system components are designed to work together for the optimal building envelope.

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