AIA: Design firms achieving carbon reduction targets

by Katie Daniel | November 2, 2015 9:49 am

modern sustainable and ecological timber office building[1]
A 2014 progress report for the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2030 Commitment initiative states most of its participating architecture firms have reached carbon reduction targets. Photo ©

An American Institute of Architects (AIA) report found the majority of architecture firms involved in the AIA 2030 Commitment[2] initiative reached carbon reduction goals.

Firms part of the voluntary initiative commit their practice to advancing AIA’s goal of carbon-neutral buildings by 2030. Key findings from the “2014 Progress Report[3]” include:

“This is a significant step in the right direction showcasing the strides being made by the design and construction community to reduce the energy consumption of buildings,” said AIA’s CEO, Robert Ivey. “But, we are still a long way from achieving our ultimate goal of carbon neutrality. We hope the progress outlined in this report can generate greater urgency to meet or exceed the targets by architects and their clients.”

AIA partnered with the Department of Energy (DOE) to create the AIA 2030 Design Data Exchange [4](DDx), an online monitoring, reporting, and research tool for architecture firms.

  1. [Image]:
  2. AIA 2030 Commitment:
  3. 2014 Progress Report:
  4. AIA 2030 Design Data Exchange :

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