Photo © Manolo Yllera
American Institute of Architects New York (AIANY) rescinded 2018 Design Awards to architects Richard Meier and Peter Marino, citing misconduct.
Accusations against Meier were voiced earlier in this month in the New York Times, while allegations against Marino were first made public following a 2015 lawsuit and again with a second suit in 2016.
AIANY executive director Benjamin Prosky released a statement announcing the rescindment, stating the organization could not “in good conscience confer these awards under these circumstances.”
“AIANY holds itself as an organization, as well as our members, to the highest standard of integrity, ethics, and decency,” said Prosky. “We view any breach of that standard as completely unacceptable.”
The winners of the AIANY’s 2018 Design Awards were announced in January and were to be presented next month.
To read the official statement, click here.