The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has published a document providing a set of 22 design examples to illustrate updated provisions included in the specification, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Supplement 3 to AISI S100-16 (Reaffirmed 2020).
The document is called AISI D102-23, “Illustrative Examples for Provisions in AISI S100-16 (2020) w/S3-22.” The examples were developed using the software Smath Studio and can be purchased from the AISI Steel Store or directly at https://ow.ly/4A1R50PEAaM.
“Supplement 3 includes many significant changes and additions to the North American Specification,” says Jay Larson, P.E., F. ASCE, managing director of AISI’s construction technical program. “AISI created these design examples to assist engineers in understanding those changes, to aid programmers in including them in updates to their software, and to demonstrate to designers how to incorporate them into future projects.”
Larson noted the Smath Studio software required to access the design examples is free of charge to use.
The changes in Supplement 3 will be included in the next edition of AISI S100, which is expected to be published in 2024 and adopted in the 2027 edition of the International Code Council (ICC) model building codes. The list of the changes in Supplement 3 is included in the Preface to AISI S100-16(2020) w/S3-22, which can be downloaded for free from the AISI Design Resources section at www.buildusingsteel.org or directly at https://ow.ly/hI1s50PF9ti.