Announcing the top 10 features and articles from 2017

Designed by LEVER Architecture, Portland’s Albina Yard was a focus in a February 2017 article on cross-laminated timber (CLT). The piece, authored by Kenneth Bland, PE, was the most-read online feature for 2017.
Photo courtesy LEVER Architecture

As this year winds down, The Construction Specifier is revealing what were the website’s most popular features and articles from 2017. Reread a favorite or check out a piece you missed online the first time around.

1. “Cross-laminated Timber: New Projects Show How the Material is Fulfilling Tall Orders” by Kenneth E. Bland, PE (February 1)

2. “Virtual Reality as the Future of Construction Planning” by Russ Alford (February 10)

3. “How Feasible is a 40-story Timber Residential Tower?” by Amir Lofti (February 2)

4. “Breaking Down Barriers: Demystifying ADA Requirements for Glass Doors” by Michelle and Paul Witherby (July 4)

5. “The Rise of the Blue Roof” by John Engle (May 11)

6. “For the Want of a Horseshoe Nail: Identifying Causes of Tile Failure” by Howard Jancy, CSI, CDT (March 1)

7. “At the Intersection of Fire Safety and Energy Efficiency” by MacGregor Pierce (June 7)

8. “But I Didn’t Bid it That Way!” by David DeBear, CTC, CSI (August 3)

9. “Using the General Conditions as a Foundation Document” by David J. Wyatt, CDT (June 19)

10. “Form+Function: Cornell Tech Opens World’s Largest Passive House Building” (November 20)

1. “Country’s First Wood Skyscraper Coming to Portland” (June 23)

2. “Drawing on Experience with new NCARB Licensure Option” (May 8)

3. “Salary History Question Ban Could Spell Trouble for Construction Industry” (February 24)

4. “CTBUH Names Fastest Elevators and Longest Runs” (October 6)

5. “Enlightening Professionals on Proper Blue Light Measurement” (April 17)

6. “UL Launches New Support Tools for Life Safety Design” (November 3)

7. “AIA Complete 10-year Update of Contract Documents” (June 16)

8. “Recent Tests Make CLT’s Fire Performance a Hot Topic” (August 3)

9. “School Designs Celebrated by AIA” (October 30)

10. “CSI Opens New Doors in Naming T.J. Gottwalt Fellow” (September 8)

Did you have a particular favorite article this year in the magazine or the website? Share in the comments below! (And all the best for 2018!)


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