ASCC releases position statements on concrete polishing

The Concrete Polishing Council (CPC) published three position statements about polished concrete floors.
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Last month, the Concrete Polishing Council (CPC), a specialty committee within the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), published three position statements in Concrete International, the magazine of the American Concrete Institute (ACI).

The first statement, “Slab Protection by Others,” discusses post-placement and post-polishing slab protection. It asserts these elements are not the responsibility of the polishing contractor who is not onsite at those times. Rather, these protections must be provided by someone onsite at the time of installation, such as the construction manager, general contractor, or, in some cases, the property owner.

The second statement, “Slip Resistance of Polished Concrete,” explains the results of extensive tests which were completed to determine dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) values for polished concrete surfaces. This section determines the DCOF exceeded requirements, even at very high gloss levels.

The third statement, “Coordinating the Concrete and Polishing Contractors’ Subcontracts,” discusses the benefits of building owners working simultaneously with both concrete installers and polishers to minimize the risk of flooring complications late in construction.

To read more about the CPC, click here.

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