ASCC revises polished concrete specification

by Samantha Ashenhurst | January 26, 2018 10:18 am

Polished concrete offers a durable, attractive flooring solution.
Photo ©

Earlier this month, the Concrete Polishing Council[2] (CPC) of the American Society of Concrete Contractors[3] (ASCC) released a revision to Bonded Abrasive Polished Concrete Specification. The document was updated because the original specification did not meet standard terminology or layout.

“The document was often buried in Division 03—the Concrete Division of CSI’s MasterFormat,” says Bruce Suprenant, ASCC’s technical director. “Due to the number of polishing specifications concealed in Division 03, this specification for the slab to be polished was not acknowledged or fully understood by concrete contractors and was overlooked in the planning of floors.”

The revision assigns the document a separate number, 03 00 01, written in proper specification terminology.

“The document now better defines the intended use of the concrete, helps the cast-in-place contractors understand how the slab will be finished, and opens the door for communication between the specifier, place and finish contractor, and the polisher,” says Chad Gill, CPC council director.

Due to its strength and durability, polished concrete has experienced a recent growth in popularity as a flooring option. To read more about its uses and benefits, click here[4].

For more information on the specification revision, visit the ASCC website[5].

  1. [Image]:
  2. Concrete Polishing Council:
  3. American Society of Concrete Contractors:
  4. here:
  5. ASCC website:

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