Avoiding constructability issues: Nithya Caleb interviews Corey Zussman of Pepper Construction

by nithya_caleb | February 14, 2020 11:11 am

Nithya Caleb, the editor of The Construction Specifier[1], spoke to Corey Zussman, director of quality management for Pepper Construction[2], on the sidelines of CONSTRUCT[3], an AEC education program and expo. Here is an extract from the conversation, where Zussman explains the various constructability issues that could arise on a jobsite, and how specifiers can help prevent them.

  1. The Construction Specifier: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/
  2. Pepper Construction: https://www.pepperconstruction.com/
  3. CONSTRUCT: https://www.constructshow.com/en/home.html

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/avoiding-constructability-issues-nithya-caleb-interviews-corey-zussman-of-pepper-construction/