Balancing construction realities with ideal fenestration design

Figure 3 Leakage at inswing window.
Figure 3 Leakage at inswing window.Photo courtesy Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc. (SGH).

Lab tests can be performed on units pulled directly off the assembly line as quality control (QC) during fenestration production to ensure the manufacturing, assembly, gasket, and sealant installation are all done properly prior to the windows arriving on site. This provides additional confidence that the windows will pass the field testing, or at least not have systemic manufacturing issues within the system.

Testing without all parties present

Whenever the window testing is performed, ideally at the start of the project, all parties must be present to observe the window test, including the installer and manufacturer’s representative. When one of the parties is not there to witness the test, there are several problems that may arise if a leak is discovered during testing.

If it is the fenestration system, and the manufacturer’s representative is not present, the installer may not understand the system well enough to diagnose the issue. If the installer is not present and there is a leak at a perimeter condition, then no remedial action or investigation into the leak can take place. If neither party is there and a leak occurs, it is the responsibility of the general contractor (usually after receiving the testing report) to communicate with both parties.

However, if both the installer and manufacturer’s representative witness the leak during the test, the diagnosis and remediation can start immediately. If the unit can be repaired on the spot, a retest may be done while all parties and equipment are already on site. If the manufacturer needs to come out to visit the site, make the repairs, and then reschedule another test, the testing schedule will be extended, which sometimes does not agree with the project timeline.

Testing when installation is (almost) complete

Postponing testing until the window installation is almost complete happens far too often. If something is discovered during testing, or a leak occurs, what does this mean for the project? The first field window test should always be done during the early stages of installation. Even if there are no resultant leaks, it confirms the installation and production methods are sound.

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