Proprietary specifying is when construction specifications indicate product requirements by naming specific manufacturers and, perhaps, products. Often more than one specifying method—sometimes all four—are used in the same specifications section.
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The new mobile connectivity standard 5G is promising speeds of 1 GB per second, and has the capacity to completely replace current wired and even wireless networks. In his latest blog, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, discusses 5G’s impact on the construction industry.
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In construction, augmented reality (AR) is most commonly used to display digital building information modeling (BIM) content onsite, allowing users, designers, owners, and workers to see what a building will be like before and during construction.
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In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, talks about the benefits of employing AI-powered tools to fulfil some of the time-consuming, clerical tasks that is neither creative work nor demands the full faculties of a building professional.
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The best analogy for the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is to think of an AI as the brain and connected IoT devices as the body. In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, talks about the benefits AI...
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Machine learning, algorithms, and specialized artificial intelligence (AI) are impacting the construction industry, largely in the area of design. While jobs may not be eliminated, it will change. Certain aspects of a specifier’s work, such as activities requiring minimal complex thinking, can be done better and faster by some...
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When building smart cities, the specifications are of paramount importance. In effect they become a form of governance for the whole project, specifying outcomes suitable not only for a building, but also as life-cycle work for the whole city as a system.
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CSI has announced the organization’s award winners for 2018, as well as those elevated to the College of Fellows and those named Distinguished Members.
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Offsite construction is part of a gradual move toward a more manufacturing-based process in the construction industry. It allows significant amounts of building construction to be performed in a controlled environment, and depending on project needs, on a near assembly-line basis. This is beneficial for worker safety and project...
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Early registration for CSI’s fall certification exam cycle, which includes Construction Documents Technologist, Certified Construction Contract Administrator, Certified Construction Product Representative, and Certified Construction Specifier examinations, will start on June 26.
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