CSI announces new board of directors

The 2020 CSI election results are in, and effective July 1, the association will welcome its new board of directors. Congratulations to all the candidates who participated in the election. Go to CSIResources.org to read more about their plans to steer the construction industry into the future.
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A young architect’s take on licensing exams

CSI director of marketing and communications Matthew Switzer interviewed Michael Riscica, AIA, founder of YoungArchitect.com, about the state of the construction industry, and especially how Riscicia uses his online-based platform to help architects successfully pass the tests for licensure and beyond.
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Write a blog for CSIResources.org

CSI invites all construction industry professionals to share their expertise and ideas by writing a blog for CSI website. Not only will your blog help inform the work CSI members do, it will also increase your brand exposure and improve search engine optimization for you.
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