Selection of fenestration systems for specific wall assemblies is a process in which performance characteristics, such as structural capacity, the resistance to air infiltration, and water penetration, and thermal attributes are evaluated along with aesthetics and cost. However, the integration of the system(s) under consideration with the adjacent exterior...
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In this exclusive blog, Kevin O’Beirne, PE, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, offers guidelines on using descriptive specifying along with proprietary specifying.
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In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, provides a brief introduction to 3D scanning and point cloud technology.
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Selection of fenestration assemblies (utilizing both window and storefront systems) can be challenging due to the number of ancillary components/accessories available—materials with different performance characteristics compared to the main fenestration element.
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In his introductory guest blog on the CSI website, Dean Bortz, CSI, CCPR, CDT, provides a six-point outline of the causes of the construction industry management crisis, the challenges it presents, as well as the opportunities.
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In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, provides an overview of the developments in the blockchain world that may speed up its implementation in the construction industry.
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As solar energy becomes increasingly mainstream, thoughtful consideration of how best to integrate this photovoltaic (PV) technology into new construction has long-term implications for project success and building owner and occupant satisfaction.
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Proprietary specifying is when construction specifications indicate product requirements by naming specific manufacturers and, perhaps, products. Often more than one specifying method—sometimes all four—are used in the same specifications section.
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Coatings used with brick masonry should be breathable, especially in colder climates—they must allow moisture entering the wall system to escape. Failure of brick that has been covered by a non-breathable coating underscores the importance of selecting appropriate repairs when needed. If a coating does need to be applied,...
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To provide personalized temperature control, while maintaining low initial costs and simplified installation, hotels and dormitories often use packaged terminal air conditioning (PTAC) units. However, penetration of façade systems with PTAC units compromised by poor detail design and/or improper installation has led to water infiltration and moisture-related problems.
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