The new mobile connectivity standard 5G is promising speeds of 1 GB per second, and has the capacity to completely replace current wired and even wireless networks. In his latest blog, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, discusses 5G’s impact on the construction industry.
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Preconstruction planning is one of the most challenging aspects of a building project’s life cycle. Design professionals often rely on yesterday’s data to plan tomorrow’s projects. However, historical data has proven to be unreliable as it does not include factors for present markets or track trends impacting costs. Thanks...
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The effects of cold on buildings are widely varied.* One of the more extreme examples of damage is cracking and spalling of masonry when water trapped within the pores of masonry units expands with cyclic freezing and thawing.
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In construction, augmented reality (AR) is most commonly used to display digital building information modeling (BIM) content onsite, allowing users, designers, owners, and workers to see what a building will be like before and during construction.
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The use of fully tempered (FT) glass is common in the building industry. While its increased strength (approximately four times stronger than annealed glass and twice as strong as heat strengthened) and distinctive breakage pattern that can reduce the potential for injury are regarded as benefits, its use should...
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In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, talks about the benefits of employing AI-powered tools to fulfil some of the time-consuming, clerical tasks that is neither creative work nor demands the full faculties of a building professional.
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On two different Midwestern projects, the surfaces of sealants exhibited gas-filled blisters, often referred to as bubbling, within a week of installation.
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While construction spending on industrial buildings remains low, there is a growing opportunity to renovate existing facilities. Failing window systems are one of the most visible signs of facilities in need of an update.
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The decision to replace an existing roof is often made in response to ongoing water leakage rather than as part of a proactive maintenance regimen, as owners and facility management companies attempt to obtain the last ounce of serviceability out of their building systems to manage cost. Unfortunately, such...
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The best analogy for the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is to think of an AI as the brain and connected IoT devices as the body. In his latest blog on the CSI website, Gregory Ceton, CSI, CDT, talks about the benefits AI...
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