Expanding focus on movement

Many building components (including the structure itself) are required to accommodate in-service dimensional changes associated with thermal and moisture variations, as well as reversible and irreversible movements created by other types of structural and environmental loadings.
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It’s time for a group discussion

It never fails. Get a few professionals together and within minutes they will start to share ‘war stories’ about a recent project or client. There is something special about sharing experiences with peers—the process often leads to new insights and learning.
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Complex corrosion

Galvanizing is one of the best ways to protect steel, but the complex series of reactions necessary to prevent corrosion can be undermined by exposure. When hot-dipped galvanized steel is first exposed to the atmosphere, near-pure zinc at the surface reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide.
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Fellowship across the border

In late May, Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) held its annual national conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Much like CSI’s own gathering each September, this event is a chance not only to engage in networking and technical education opportunities, but also to honor members for contributions to the association.
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Coming unbolted

Expansion bolts are commonly used to support new structural attachments in masonry or concrete. For example, expansion bolts are often installed into concrete spandrel beams to hold up new steel relieving angles, which, in turn, support building cladding such as brick or stone.
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