Elastomeric wall coatings (EWCs) are an important part of new and remedial construction, protecting cladding from water penetration. Assuming they are properly applied, premature failures of EWCs typically involve their manufacturing formulation.
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Using the acronym ‘WRB’ is common, but the intended meaning is often misunderstood, as it can refer to either a ‘water’ or ‘weather’-resistive barrier, with the two having different performance expectations.
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Air vapor barriers (AVBs) are critical in controlling air and moisture transport within building enclosure assemblies. Ignoring bulk water penetration, moisture-related issues experienced within the building enclosure are more commonly the result of moisture transport through air movement..
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What will CSI look like in five years? What educational opportunities will we provide our membership? What value proposition motivates industry participation in CSI products and programs? These are important questions in ever-evolving times.
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Builders, architects, and specifiers have always demanded excellence in themselves, their materials, contractors, and subcontractors. Design professionals find success through various ways, from word of mouth to programs such as EnergyStar or Green Globes, or by seeking professionals certified in their given fields.
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Those who follow the green and sustainability dialog know CSI’s GreenFormat was released back in 2006. Two years later, GreenFormat.com enabled manufacturers to pay for product information listings while users accessed that information for free.
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Concrete floor slabs contain excess moisture that can damage many types of floor finishes. To address this problem, manufacturers have developed products aimed at mitigating the moisture in concrete. However, not all these products are suited to their intended purpose.
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Cracking was observed in the exterior curtain wall glass on an early-1970s mid-rise building in the Midwest. As originally constructed, the curtain wall included single-glazed 5.5-mm (7/32-in.) thick bronze-tinted glass at all floors—except the uppermost level, which featured single-glazed 9.5-mm (3/8-in.) thick clear polished plate glass.
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The MasterFormat 2014 Update includes hundreds of revisions from the previous 2012 update. Among the key revisions were changes to agreements contained in Division 00–Procurement and Contracting Requirements to account for evolving contract delivery processes in the construction industry as a whole.
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