Failures: Beware of condensation in the attic

Prior to the adoption of the 2015 International Building Code (IBC), vents were required in the roof assembly to allow the “attic” space—between the underside of the roof deck and the top of the ceiling below—to vent to the exterior. However, the volume of air movement provided by these...
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To be specific

Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) interviewed Priscilla Lee on the impact earning a Construction Documents Technologist (CDT) certification in the beginning of 2020 has had on her career.
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Failures: Persistent water leakage above ribbon windows

When through-wall flashing is not properly detailed or installed in cavity wall construction, the water penetration resistance of the enclosure can be compromised. This was recently observed at a multi-story office building in the southeastern U.S., that regularly experienced water leakage during prolonged rain events above ribbon window assemblies.
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Failures: Rules of (gasket) engagement

A close-range examination revealed the gaskets were not driven to the required depth within the joints to engage the locking barb with the corresponding raceway in the outboard aluminum trim. Instead, they were retained in the joint through compression alone, leaving them susceptible to disengagement over time.
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To be specific

These structures are built to industry codes, specifications, and ASTM standards however, oftentimes, especially after standing for many years, they become more than four just walls and a roof.
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