Brick Cladding: Helping keep moisture out

Every year, the summer solstice marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, followed by humidity interchanged with dryness. Periods of intermittent rain showers followed by stretches of blistering heat are common and these climate variations can lead to an increase in wall moisture.
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Cold-formed steel framing gets complicated

During the medieval period, complex Gothic structures were built from drawings that communicated a designer’s overall vision without detailing specific means of construction. Master craftsmen translated designs into buildable structures using simple tools available at the time.
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Walk This Way: New trends in vinyl flooring

Manufacturers and suppliers in the flooring industry are responding to the call for more environmentally responsible products for non-residential applications. While raw material suppliers study the science of sustainable plasticizers, manufacturers have capitalized on new emerging technologies to develop products offering increased design flexibility, but reduced ecological impact.
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