The primary factors most designers consider when selecting window and curtain wall systems for their projects tend to involve cost, appearance, and energy efficiency. However, other considerations—such as weatherproofing, performance, and durability—can also be critical.
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Customers often call design teams regarding problems concerning too much light and/or too much heat coming into a building and making the space practically unusable. The issue is the original design concept did not combine the glazing with other design elements to adequately address the sun management challenge.
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Discussing specification writing and documentation details can be challenging, but the right set of specifications is a key component in the process to deliver a successful project. It is crucial the specification writer understands the intent of how systems will operate and how systems relate to each other.
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In a time of increasing complex walls, the masonry industry is striving to rediscover the simplistic principles that made it the material choice of the greatest civilizations in history. The principle “less is more” holds true when it comes to selecting wire reinforcement for reinforced masonry wall systems.
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Up until the 2008 edition of American Architectural Manufacturers Association/Window and Door Manufacturers Association/Canadian Standards Association (AAMA/WDMA/CSA) 101/I.S.2/A440, North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights (NAFS), there were five performances classes of windows with differing requirements for test pressures, allowed leakage rates, and other variables. This sidebar...
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Laboratory testing of fenestration products to the North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights (NAFS) verifies the performance of a specimen of the fenestration product itself.
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Cool roof coatings have achieved more than 30 years of proven energy savings. However, the federal government and building code bodies have only recently embraced the use of these reflective coatings.
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To ensure optimal fire protection, building codes require interior wall assemblies to be evaluated by industry standards to determine their fire performance. This article gives examples of fire-rated wall assemblies and passive firestop systems, describing the testing they must go through to achieve their fire ratings.
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Underwriters Laboratories (UL) recently completed tests intended to provide technical data on the safety aspects of installing raceways and cables exposed to direct sunlight on or above rooftops.
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Thin, short strands of steel are being increasingly specified as reinforcement in ground-supported slabs and in composite steel deck-slabs. Structural engineers are still figuring out how best to design with these components, but specifiers need to think about how to define this material in the contract documents.
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