Specifying Weather-resistant Siding: Section 1405.16

Fiber cement siding complying with International Building Code (IBC) Section 1404.10, Fiber-cement Siding, shall be permitted on exterior walls of Types I, II, III, IV, and V construction for wind pressure resistance or wind speed exposures as indicated by the manufacturer’s listing and label and approved installation instructions.
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Specifying weather-resistant siding

Severe weather can devastate communities and cause costly damage to property, prompting those who select, recommend or influence product decisions for commercial, multifamily, institutional, and industrial buildings to seek more durable siding materials to protect against fire, wind, impact, and floods.
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Energy-efficient building with EIFS

Exterior insulation and finish systems provide a number of features and benefits when compared to other claddings. Offering an air barrier, continuous insulation, and a decorative finish in one seamless assembly, EIFS is both versatile and lightweight.
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Preference actions in bankruptcies

For design professionals who run their own business, it is never a good feeling to find out a client has filed for bankruptcy. In many cases, there are warning signs—slow payments, missed payments, or nonpayment—so when you receive the ultimate news, it may not come as a surprise.
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