Identifying and fixing concrete flooring challenges

Concrete floors are popular choices in certain spaces in a variety of finishes as they are long-lasting and extremely durable if the contractor has installed, cured, and finished them properly. However, issues can arise during or after installation, and construction professionals must know how to diagnose and fix these...
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Maximizing student safety with rolling doors and grilles

For architects and designers specializing in institutional design, keeping children safe is an increasingly difficult task which can weigh heavy on one’s heart and mind. By balancing design and safety, along with incorporating better access controls, such as advanced rolling closures, architects can help prevent and defend against shooting...
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Additional practical insights on overcladding masonry facades

As an alternative to removing and replacing the original masonry—an approach that can negatively impact structural integrity—project teams and architects are encouraged to design an insulated facade layer with vapor barrier, creating a new enclosure that is watertight and energy efficient, and possibly more attractive. This raises a question...
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Specifying and installing flashing around exterior wall openings

A weathertight building enclosure is critical when it comes to preventing air leakage and water penetration. It also significantly impacts energy efficiency, indoor air quality (IAQ), and occupant comfort. Therefore, properly specifying and detailing the transitions between fenestration products and the surrounding wall conditions is extremely important.
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Exploiting the virtues of metal fabric in rooftop design

Woven on a loom just like other textiles, metal fabric is primarily composed of stainless-steel wire, but can be manufactured using other alloys such as bronze, aluminum, and copper. This highly technical material offers architects the ability to create dynamic, modern environments that can address numerous building challenges.
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