Optimizing acoustics with stone wool ceilings

Grundfos, a global leader in water technology based in Bjerringbro, Denmark, has earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certification for its new Global Water Utility Headquarters—the highest available building certification through the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Advanced stone wool ceilings for acoustical performance were key...
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Designing offices for the digital workspace

The pandemic is not the only catalyst for transforming new workspaces. The affordability of, access to, and growing reliance on technology are significantly reshaping the offices of tomorrow. This will also transform the education and collaboration needed for planning, designing, and building these spaces.
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Moisture management for tall wood buildings

Mass timber structures are entering the discussion for many projects in North America, and increasingly for taller buildings. This is, in part, due to recent code changes allowing for combustible construction in taller structures. However, interest in the industry is driven by a larger trend—the need for fast action...
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