A guide to field notching and drilling LVL and glulam

Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and glue-laminated (glulam) timber products are designed for applications where they will be highly stressed under design loads. Drilling or notching of LVL and glulam should typically be avoided. But, in situations where it cannot be avoided, this article provides some helpful guidelines.
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Trial to trend: The growth of prefabricated exterior walls

When prefabrication enters the construction equation, the game changes dramatically. Manufacturers can produce complete exterior wall panels in a climate-controlled facility with no weather limitations. Wall panels can then be transported to a job site where they are hoisted into place and attached to the structure without the need...
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Best practices for specifying resinous flooring systems

There are two flooring chemistries that have both existed in the United States for more than 15 years but are rarely specified relative to their epoxy counterparts. Urethane cements and methyl methacrylate (MMA) have already been established as viable resinous flooring solutions for a variety of challenges. Urethane cements...
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Resilient flooring: The sustainable specification

When specifying flooring, one should consider both sustainability and performance. They are not mutually exclusive, but rather completely integrated. Both are affected by the material science that goes into the product: How are they constructed? Where do the materials come from that make these products?
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