Using masonry for wet flood-proofing

There are two types of flood-proofing—dry and wet. The design intent of dry flood-proofing is to allow flood waters to enter and exit the structure freely and allow the waters to rise and fall evenly inside the structure in the same rate and manner they rise and fall on...
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Specifying snow retention systems

Rooftop avalanches cause hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury, and even death each year. Proper, job-specific design of a qualified snow retention system reduces building owner/designer liability when sliding snow presents a hazard.
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Continuous insulation performance

The goals of building fire safety and energy efficiency are compatible when industry stakeholders work together to ensure proper assemblies are designed, the correct materials are specified, and installers have the experience to combine the design and materials properly in the field.
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The future of specifiers: The way forward

While the industry has a good handle on how specifications may change with technology, what about the actual job of a “specifier”? Will the role grow and change in the future or will it disappear completely in favor of a new model? These questions were the focus of a...
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