The air/vapor barrier must die

As manufacturers introduce materials with new properties and attempt to push the boundaries of building envelope construction, it is crucial the industry agrees on terminology for communicating the specific functions and purpose of these materials to avoid confusion and costly errors. In this regard, the term ‘air/vapor barrier’ is...
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Writing a spec from scratch

Most technical specification template sections are available through software programs, but what if a template does not exist for a particular product or assembly? The following article outlines some of the steps to take when creating a spec from scratch.
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The two types of rainscreen wall system design

Rainscreen systems, like most of today’s wall assemblies, have become more complex as designers strive for greater energy efficiency and building sustainability. This article will provide an overview of the two types of rainscreen wall systems and typical design characteristics, and offers some direction on how to design highly...
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Meeting infection control protocols in healthcare designs

A new infection control risk assessment (ICRA) protocol ensures all projects done in healthcare facilities limit death-causing contaminants such as mold and dust. These protocols include establishing a negative pressure environment, building and sealing soft walls, controlling contaminates, and more. This assessment program is important for the building trades,...
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Recent innovations in custom millwork

Among carpentry specialists in commercial construction, the distinction between casework and millwork resides in the custom-made nature of the latter. Although one would not say casework amounts to ‘making boxes,’ it is nevertheless the case that some recent innovative millwork projects have amplified the distinction between assembly line carpentry...
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