Corrosion-resistant finishes for high-traffic projects

The risk of corrosion should be a key consideration when specifying finishes for a building envelope’s architectural aluminum products. Regardless of the project’s proximity to the sea, transportation facilities, transit-oriented developments (TODs), and many other high-traffic city centers can present significant challenges in protecting exterior-facing elements that are made...
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Millwork and net zero: Back to the future

Architectural woodwork has been around since the beginnings of human civilization, for both decorative and practical uses. Traditional construction methods and design evolved to cope with variable conditions, specifically wide swings in temperature and humidity. As interior environments are increasingly controlled, it has become possible to ignore some of...
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Specifying revolving doors

Revolving doors are enjoying resurgence across many project types due to their ability to prevent unwanted air infiltration and enhance the aesthetic appeal of an entrance. However, specifiers will find detailing for revolving doors challenging because of the availability of a wide range of door types with different capabilities.
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