Masonry cavities

The conversation about the cavity in masonry wall systems, to say the least, is ongoing. There is a general agreement on the need for separation between the backside of the veneer and the exterior face of the structural backup wall. However, there is some discussion about the functions this...
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Mainstay roof coating applications

In the last two decades, the improved technologies of silicone, acrylic, and polyurethane have become better integrated into basic roofing practice, not only expanding the range of roofing applications but also competing successfully against the traditional asphalt coatings used for maintaining traditional built-up (BUR) roofs. Today, most manufacturers of...
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Waterproofing elevator pits 101

This was supposed to be simple. The site is flat and the building is all slab-on-grade. The geotechnical report stated the design ground water table is more than 3 m (10 ft) below grade. Why is there a need to spend in excess of $100,000, and add more than...
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Add decades to your commercial roof life

The life of a flat commercial roof is difficult. From the extreme heat and ultraviolet (UV) rays of summer to frigid winters, unpredictable weather patterns, and excessive rain, commercial flat roofs are subject to high levels of wear and tear. Silicone is a well-established and recognized technology with decades...
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Decorative flooring aesthetics and durability

When considering decorative flooring options, the statement, “beauty is more than skin deep,” applies to the floor finish more than one might think. The surface underfoot is a complicated area, and getting the look right means not only understanding the desired aesthetics, but also how this visual is going...
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Hot-dip galvanizing for buildings and architecture

Structural steel has been the material of choice in the building market for decades because of the numerous benefits it provides. While steel offers an effective and efficient framing system for the building envelope, the hot-dip galvanizing of both interior and exterior elements is one method to provide a...
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