Standardizing concrete repair

Concrete construction keeps evolving, and so do its governing standards. The American Concrete Institute (ACI), for example, has added an important tool to its toolbox for both architects and specifiers with ACI 563-18, Specifications for Repair of Concrete in Buildings.
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Make smart concrete: A study on self-sealing

Compressive strength is a clearly defined property that can be measured directly at a particular point in time using standardized test methods. On the other hand, the properties making concrete durable are many in number. Therefore, durability is more complex to define, measure, and specify.
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Managing the risks of efflorescence

The costs of cleaning efflorescence from grout joints and tile surfaces can range from a lost day on a callback to a financial fortune, depending on the size and type of project on which it occurs. For example, to acid-wash tile on one large project, remediation costs exceeded $100,000...
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Timber towers: The future of tall wood design

Advocates for mass timber construction boast of faster construction times, lower labor costs, and environmental benefits. However, some building professionals are skeptical. The design firm Hickok Cole has designed Timber Towers, a conceptual 60-story mass timber skyscraper, to showcase what is possible with wood.
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