It is intuitive the acoustical environment plays a key role in the wellness, education, and productivity of building occupants. Sound is all around, and the acoustical environment impacts everyone, whether consciously or not.
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Externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) can be a practical strengthening solution for all concrete structural elements. However, there is little technical literature and design guidance on how one can achieve durable performance from this relatively new repair technique.
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Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have had the ability to mass consume and produce, which has led to massive waste outputs. The environment can no longer support the traditional practices of a linear economic model.
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More than half of today’s construction industry suppliers are slowly investing in e-commerce solutions, revolutionizing the way architects and specifiers interact with homeowners and project managers. The shift to this new technology will help design professionals offer better and faster service.
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Fires can spread through buildings even without the involvement of the cladding system materials. There are numerous examples of fire spread from the room of origin to the space above via vertically adjacent windows, but prior to the Grenfell Tower fire in the United Kingdom, most have caused only...
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Monumental devastation from 2017’s hurricanes Irving, Maria, and Jose has caused architects and building professionals to look back at lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in August 2005.
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Mass-timber construction, a growing industry in the United States, includes elements such as glued-laminated timber (glulam), cross-laminated timber (CLT), and nail-laminated timber (NLT). These wooden elements have a natural resistance to fire through charring, similar to traditional heavy timber. The fire safety of mass-timber combined with high load-carrying capabilities...
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The risk of failure in a concrete floor because of excess moisture is high simply because concrete has moisture. Additionally, the costs of misreading the concrete’s moisture condition, and laying down finished floor products too soon, extend well beyond ugly staining or cracking.
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A forensic architect can provide incredible value to a project and team members by helping to resolve problems, track down design and constructability issues, expose code violations, and provide valuable information with which to resolve conflicts unearthed during the building process. This can result in a lowered risk for...
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With reports from clinical research substantiating the importance of natural lighting and ventilation in workplace productivity, health, and well-being, window design has gone beyond building aesthetics and energy efficiency.
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