Evolution of sound masking in closed rooms

Typing the word “privacy” into a search engine yields a lengthy stream of entries describing the many ways in which privacy can be violated, including reports of hackers acquiring credit card information, law enforcement agencies mining social networking sites, and voice-activated electronics with the ability to eavesdrop on their...
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Selecting the right perimeter security solution

As a result of the recent rise in vehicle-ramming attacks, there is an increased interest in perimeter security for applications besides the traditional government and military operations. From large cities, small municipalities, and grade schools to universities, utility substations, and corporate offices, many organizations are contemplating how to provide...
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American Wood Council releases new manual

The American Wood Council’s (AWC’s) 2018 Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) for one- and two-family dwellings is a referenced standard for wood design in the International Code Council’s (ICC’s) 2018 International Building Code (IBC) and 2018 International Residential Code (IRC). The publication equips designers and code officials with engineered...
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IMPs balance envelope performance with fire safety

Insulated metal panels (IMPs) have gained significant traction in recent years as a factory-assembled alternative to standard, site-built construction types. Comprising two impermeable metal facers separated by an insulating core, IMPs provide thermal resistance with an effective air/water/vapor barrier in a single component.
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Evolution of masonry cavity wall designs

Masonry cavity drainage construction became the norm when architects and masons came to the realization a simple empty space separating two wythes of masonry with a layer of insulation could provide as much comfort as several feet of solid barrier masonry.
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Quality assurance of waterproofing

For roofs, concrete assemblies, and mechanical systems, there is an established tradition of testing and inspection to verify both the material installation and construction meet the specified design criteria. Owners usually accept this without hesitation, and are ready to pay for the expenses.
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