ABCs of specifying Axminster carpet

Woven Axminster carpet, with its interlocking pile and backing yarns, is constructed primarily for strength and durability. The floorcovering has become a popular choice for high-traffic areas including hospitality, gaming, marine, convention center, and airport projects around the globe.
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Superior protection with rainscreens

One of the most successful technologies for deterring rainwater intrusion into a building’s exterior wall and protecting the envelope is the rainscreen system. Introduced more than 20 years ago in the United States, this technology has continued to advance, along with its popularity among building owners who desire a...
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Using the General Conditions as a foundation document

An astute specifier understands the importance of the construction contract and its associated General Conditions for writing the general requirements for a project. While many Divisions 02 through 49 Sections can be prepared independently of the contractual provisions, Division 01 cannot be adequately prepared until the specifier knows who...
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Effective sound control of doors

When discussing how to secure the openings of a building, physical security commands the lion’s share of attention, with concerns about unauthorized access and fire typically Being at the forefront of any list of potential threats.
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